Friday, January 30, 2009

Where did January go

I can't believe that this month is almost over. All I have done this month is work and shovel snow. Haven't even had much time for being on the computer. So tonight I have done alittle catching up, with lots more to do.
I was in a very cranky mood tonight when I got home, but reading some of my new friends blogs put me in alittle better mood.
But to be honest, I am very jealous of all the lucky people who have someone to share life with, and are enjoying being spanked.
That was my wish for my birthday but guess that will not be happening.
Oh well, such is life. I will make one goal how ever, and that will be one year as a non smoker. I can not believe how easy it was for me to quit. I have tried many times before and only made 4-5 months with lots of pain. This time I seemed to have just breezed through it, and without any cravings. I finally have a weekend off, so will spend part of it catching up with my new friends and their blogs.
I know I have said this before, but the people who are part of the spanking community and just so wonderful, so real. I am so thankful that I stumbled upon Bonnies blog, which in turn led me to all of you.
bye for now. see you on your blogs
Hugs lil sam


Dante d'Amore said...

Wow, congratulations on quitting smoking. I know how hard an addiction can be to kick. I'm still struggling with ice cream, lol, and losing that battle.

Anonymous said...

Hi lil sam:
It's amazing how fast time goes by isn't it?
And this snow shoveling weather is just awful! I also get a lot of enjoyment from reading all of these lovely blogs. I hope that you find someone that fulfills all of your hopes and dreams.
Congrats on quitting smoking, thats fantastic.
Take care

Hermione said...

Hi lil Sam,

That is quite an achievement. I'm so glad quitting wasn't as difficult for you as it is for many.

Keep up the great work!
